Thursday, June 2, 2011

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  • Jesus
    Nov 21, 05:13 PM
    This tech, as it has been said before is nothing new, I remember reading a very inforative article in New Scientist about making the ultimate heat ---> energy chip, and there is an alloy that when heated on one side it creates a strong electric current. I think they planned on putting them in cars, by the engine to power electronics in the car. What is new is the idea of putting it by a computers cpu.

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  • Winni
    Nov 6, 03:33 PM
    Orwell's nightmare. Powered by Apple.

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  • 2002cbr600f4i
    Feb 18, 12:54 PM
    Notice Steve is the only guy without wine?

    He had a liver transplant.... Alcohol is a no-no after that!

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 09:41 AM
    Is that the hand of a Samsung employee holding the phone? ;)


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  • IndyGopher
    Apr 26, 02:13 AM
    I agree. The most problematic components in a computer in general are the mechanical ones, and at this point, the only mechanical component that most likely will never be removed is the fan. Mobile devices on the other hand have even done away with that. These are interesting times. I rarely ever use the optical drive anymore, in fact, I have not used it in months... There is simply no reason to. Virtually all software is available online via the mac app store or some site somewhere, and the only things i use the drive for anymore are OS restores from time machine. If Apple were to provide a restore partition with the default install of Lion, then that would be it. No more DVD drive.
    All true... but what happens when you replace the hard drive? Willing to buy one from Apple with the OS preinstalled?

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  • grawk
    Feb 27, 10:49 PM
    Apple has bragged that they had only one version of OS X (compared to the half dozen versions of Windows), so if this is "done right" they could really make good on that promise. There doesn't seem to be that much fundamentally different in the underpinnings of Snow Leopard and Snow Leopard Server. If the server version of Lion doesn't lose anything then it should be fine, as far as what I need, at least.

    IMHO, anyone who has considered Apple servers for heavy, or even medium, duty use has always been living dangerously. Between single source hardware and miniscule market share, why take the chance? For my SOHO use, it's been working out just fine.

    Single source hardware is an asset to server reliability, not a detriment. Compare linux uptimes to AIX, Solaris, or HPUX, and there's no contest. Having 1 company on the hook for everything helps make things run way more smoothly. The trend towards linux in the data center is a detriment that mirrors wall street, with short term costs overruling long term benefit.


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  • NikeTalk
    Aug 19, 12:06 PM
    Dang, I just deleted my facebook the other day. Let me how how it is guys.

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  • EJBasile
    Sep 14, 07:52 PM
    I think everyone has really covered the bases here.

    I've actually never had surgery.

    Just as the anesthesiologist to make sure he gives you enough anesthesia. There have been cases were patients are awake during the surgeries, but unable to move. It actually happens more than you would think its just that it usually for a very short period of time and you won't remember it if it does happen. Only in rare cases will you ever remember it. Some doctors do use brain activity monitors to make sure the patient isn't awake, but they are very expensive electronics.

    I'm sure that wasn't really helpful, DON'T worry about it though. It won't happen to you, and if it does, you'll never know it did.

    I wish you the best of luck in surgery. You'll do fine. If your really worried, do something you enjoy to get your mind off of it.


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  • autrefois
    Nov 15, 11:23 AM
    Well, let's see... the Zune comes out today. The iPod has been out for about 5 years (?) now. So it took Apple 5 years to have them integrate with airplanes. Shame on Apple for not innovating quicker. Shame, shame, shame. And shame on MS for not innovating quicker too. The Zune's only been out, what,... a few hours and it still can't integrate with planes? Shame on MS. :rolleyes:

    Seriously.... what's with all this Zune bashing? This story isn't even about the Zune, yet someone just had to post something about it. I'm not defending MS or anyone. It's just that I get's pretty redundant when everyone praises Apple and bashes on everyone else (especially MS), like Apple can do no wrong. I bet you haven't even played with a Zune yet. It's like people who say they don't like Japanese food or something. And when asked if they've tried it, they say no. How the hell do you know whether you like somethinig or not when you haven't even tried it yet?

    Apple fan boys...... :rolleyes:

    That's about the funniest thing I've heard, being called an Apple fanboy. Since you replied to my post, I assume you're at least in part referring to me.

    I am almost always critical of Apple here on Macrumors, either directly or indirectly, in my posts. Either that, or trying to poke fun at Apple's expense. Their business practices, their business partners, their pricing, their overheating laptops, etc. I'm always worried people with think I'm a troll, which I'm not. I love Apple products, and have given them (entirely too much of) my money over the years, but I realize the company is not perfect and can get better. I occasionally am under the RDF, but try to keep a reasonably critical mind about things.

    My post was just meant to be funny. MS's Zune wasn't even out yet, so no I didn't expected airplane integration immediately. And apparently Apple even make sure all their partners knew about the announcement before making it, so that's rather embarrassing for them.

    I agree the Zune should be judged on its own merit. My guess is that as an MS product it will probably not be as good as the iPod (heck, Microsoft doesn't even put their name on the box for the Zune) but it will probably gain ground sooner rather than later since people will assume (correctly or not) that Microsoft works better with Microsoft, just like Apple works better with Apple.

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  • tvguy
    Mar 2, 12:15 PM
    for a small sum of a $1billion usd, i volunteer to watch over the innocent children and their purchases. I will smack their little fingers with a a bamboo cane. Suddenly this reminds me of that south park episode where they started smacking "add" kids. "sit down and study." i think parents need to get caned then schooled into using parental controls



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  • tktaylor1
    Apr 18, 04:55 PM
    I am trading this guy a crappy guitar for it. I don't plan on using it, just wondering if it is something I could flip and make a profit. And the guitar has not been used since I was around 10 and I am pretty sure it is from Walmart.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 8, 10:34 PM
    short term deal.... I do not buy that they REALLY have it worked out. Just trying to say we are making it. Watch we will reach the new deadline yet again like all the times before.


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  • jongriff
    Oct 6, 11:43 AM
    A 4" iPhone would probably replace the 3.5" model so all the current apps would run on it no problem. It might require some tweaking for some apps but the upside is you get to update your app and sell it again.

    If they build an iPhone with the same size screen as the iPod Nano then they could invite developers to develop mini-apps for that size screen to be used on the iPod Nano and iPhone Nano, creating a new AppStore category. Would be a huge market and very attractive to developers of news/info related apps.

    In my eyes a phone that has a screen as small as the nano would not be a great idea or success. Even making the screen slightly smaller introduces a real difficulty in regards to the keyboard. Even if the screen is the same resolution as the original iPhone, a smaller physical size would make typing extremely difficult. I would love to see some sort of physical keyboard implementation, say a slide form factor like the palm pre, but this is very non-apple and I would be astonished if they went down that route.
    A smaller phone is however a very interesting proposition for me, I personally would like to go smaller not bigger as i have my iPad for anything that would be a pain on a small screen. Having had features like sat nav, music, Internet, email etc I couldn't forgoe these in the search for a smaller form factor though so a compromise between the two would be nice. Just my thoughts and probably as likely to come true as this Wu chap's predictions, ie guessing.

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  • aristotle
    Jun 14, 02:12 AM
    There's a reason why it'd be easier to make an AWS iPhone than a CDMA iPhone; CDMA is pretty much monopolized by Qualcomm, so if Apple wanted a CDMA iphone it'd probably cost quite a bit to make.

    Of course, Apple could simply buy out Qaulcomm. I kinda look forward to the day Steve walks out on stage and starts bragging about Verizon's awesome coverage areas lol.

    AWS isn't AFAIK monopolized by anyone and should be as easy to do as current GSM is. (I may be wrong)
    Uh, you do realize that even Verizon is going to eventually abandon CDMA for LTE and that LTE is the 4th generation evolution of GSM technology?

    Every carrier in North America, except for Sprint has plans to move to LTE. Every carrier outside of North America is either on HSPA/HSDPA already of plans on going with LTE in the future.

    There is no 4th generation CDMA standard because it died on the planning table.

    GSM technology went like this:
    For Voice:
    For Data:


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  • Arcus
    Nov 14, 09:07 AM
    I know who Ill be flying with. Nice.

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 19, 09:44 AM (


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  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 24, 04:19 AM
    I know there's no real estate for it, but I wouldn't complain it if had a dedicated Ethernet port.

    They could very easily do it like the VAIO X-

    Flip it down to use it, flip it back up to maintain its thinness. It works because all the Ethernet pins are one side only.

    Works well on my X128. (that thing is as thin and way lighter than the Air btw so don't say it isn't possible because it's heavier or thicker or anything)

    Apple included the Ethernet adapter on the last gen Air- why did they cheap out and leave it out for the new generation?

    Get a 13" MBP.

    Why should one have to compromise on weight, thinness and portability when the above solution is possible?

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  • Bye Bye Baby
    Feb 28, 01:09 AM
    The difference in the operating systems is more in terms of just function and applications- it is not a completely different operating system. So the idea of Apple giving you access to it on your lion disk is not an outrageous idea.

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  • Mr.Gadget
    Sep 25, 10:16 AM
    If the MBP's or other hardware is not updated at this event, then when is the next public event to have this happen?

    Dec 18, 08:51 AM
    God i hope RATM get number 1, i cant see it, i've just got a feeling that X Factor will win :mad::eek:

    Apr 24, 01:54 PM
    When I get home I will have a look at setting it up again, Im not sure how good an iPhone would be at folding :cool:

    Sep 1, 12:15 PM
    This is, of course, due to the release of a new version of OS X every 18 months or so compared to the ridiculous periods between Windows versions.


    Apr 12, 01:43 PM
    Seriously? This is seriously what college is teaching? Holy cow am I glad I bailed when I did...

    So what about a group of hispanic men that jump a korean man simply for being korean? Both groups are minorities.

    What about a poor white woman living in Inner City DC having "cracker ho" or something like that yelled at her by a group of black women?


    Again, those are majorities singling out a minority. You don't expect a group of hispanic men to jump a korean man if there's more korean's than hispanic's on the street corner. Likewise, blacks are the majority in a black ghetto. It's just that, when you look at the country as a whole, they are the minority.

    Feb 23, 03:21 PM
    Just make it so you can turn off the 15 minute unlock in the settings. It could even be defaulted to be off.

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