May 1, 09:09 AM
Somehow, I knew you would reply like you did. Again, I have a job in an actual data center as a systems administrator. Let me tell you, I know the real story. ;) And it's not just my company. Go take a look around and see how many shops use Windows to run their SAP environnements. Their peoplesoft stuff. Heck, just their lowly Oracle installations.
And who said I was talking about Enterprise Macs ? My Unix boxes cost well over 100k$ a piece.
Phht...what a cop out dude. Now you're gonna booey unix based on specific software, designed for unix, among specific personal networks of colleagues. You can tell your "real story" to IDC and hope they change their market research methods! :rolleyes:
And who said I was talking about Enterprise Macs ? My Unix boxes cost well over 100k$ a piece.
Phht...what a cop out dude. Now you're gonna booey unix based on specific software, designed for unix, among specific personal networks of colleagues. You can tell your "real story" to IDC and hope they change their market research methods! :rolleyes:

Sep 13, 06:34 PM
truth is pentium 1 is a 5th generation processor
pentium pro thru pentium III is 6th generation
athlon from amd is 7th generation...the first 7th generation chip
and pentium 5 would be considered at least 7th generation and perhaps 8th generation pc processor
but no way can any G4 beat a pentium 5 at over 3 ghz...but then again, but 2nd quarter we may hve the G5 which can beat pentium 4 but maybe not pentium 5, but that is all speculation into the future
who really cares, after 3 ghz, if pc is faster or macs are faster...point is, both will be fast enough for vast majority of users
pentium pro thru pentium III is 6th generation
athlon from amd is 7th generation...the first 7th generation chip
and pentium 5 would be considered at least 7th generation and perhaps 8th generation pc processor
but no way can any G4 beat a pentium 5 at over 3 ghz...but then again, but 2nd quarter we may hve the G5 which can beat pentium 4 but maybe not pentium 5, but that is all speculation into the future
who really cares, after 3 ghz, if pc is faster or macs are faster...point is, both will be fast enough for vast majority of users

Apr 12, 12:58 PM
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I want to buy this!!!! But alas I cannot afford it at present, well it depends on if I get a 3DS next weekend or not. But having used the demo of Outlook I love it, much better then Mail IMO.
If anyone knows of a cheaper price then around �160 in the UK let me know cause that's the best I've found.
If anyone knows of a cheaper price then around �160 in the UK let me know cause that's the best I've found.
May 6, 06:14 AM
Ok, thanks for the info... and yes you are correct - it is the early 09 model (my mistake!)...
Thanks again...
Thanks again...
Apr 16, 08:37 AM
Every little bit helps. But what we really need is people with 8 cores plus (virtual, desktop machine) running bigadv, at least until faster GPU and/or a GPU client for mac.
Glad to hear from other users on the forum :)
We have lost more active users since I started this thread :( Come on every one, every bit helps. Hell if we had 1000 users folding 100 points a day that would go a long way, and for those who don't fold 100 points is not that hard for a modern computer :)
Glad to hear from other users on the forum :)
We have lost more active users since I started this thread :( Come on every one, every bit helps. Hell if we had 1000 users folding 100 points a day that would go a long way, and for those who don't fold 100 points is not that hard for a modern computer :)

Sep 13, 07:25 AM
I had a few GA�s and I think I�ve had both gas and IV�s.
Whichever you have it�s normal for the doctor (I�ll not try to attempt and spell anestithologist <that�s why) to ask you to count down from ten, you won�t make seven before you�re under.
While you�re under you don�t dream, or at least I never have.
Coming round is the weird part as it�s not like waking up from sleep, it�s like when you are so tired you can�t keep your eyes open. You know when you�re sat in front of TV at night and the shopping channel comes on and you�re powerless to even lift the remote but can see the horror in front of you.
You�ll come round from the drugs like this and then drift back off to �normal� sleep ie sleep your body�s decided you need as opposed to drug induced.
Waking from that sleep is fairly normal except you�ll have to deal with the pain of whatever operation you just had. :(
OK, so it's like when I have insomnia and take 2mgs of Xanax and feel like I weigh 500 pounds the next morning and can't get up.
Whichever you have it�s normal for the doctor (I�ll not try to attempt and spell anestithologist <that�s why) to ask you to count down from ten, you won�t make seven before you�re under.
While you�re under you don�t dream, or at least I never have.
Coming round is the weird part as it�s not like waking up from sleep, it�s like when you are so tired you can�t keep your eyes open. You know when you�re sat in front of TV at night and the shopping channel comes on and you�re powerless to even lift the remote but can see the horror in front of you.
You�ll come round from the drugs like this and then drift back off to �normal� sleep ie sleep your body�s decided you need as opposed to drug induced.
Waking from that sleep is fairly normal except you�ll have to deal with the pain of whatever operation you just had. :(
OK, so it's like when I have insomnia and take 2mgs of Xanax and feel like I weigh 500 pounds the next morning and can't get up.

neko girl
Apr 28, 10:54 PM
Ability to flip the screen back farther than it does now, esp. on the 11..
That and a backlit keyboard, yersh.
That and a backlit keyboard, yersh.

cherry su
Apr 29, 01:35 PM
They already do. They take our tax money and use it to subsidize the oil companies. And they most certainly approve.
Ah, so the tax is used to subsidize the oil companies? That makes sense. No wonder the oil barons approve.
Ah, so the tax is used to subsidize the oil companies? That makes sense. No wonder the oil barons approve.

Apr 29, 11:58 AM
The Economist, that stalwart of conservatism has this to say (http://www.economist.com/node/18620944?story_id=18620944) about the state of US transportation.
America is known for its huge highways, but ..... American traffic congestion is worse than western Europe�s. ....More time on lower quality roads also makes for a deadlier transport network. With some 15 deaths a year for every 100,000 people, the road fatality rate in America is 60% above the OECD average; 33,000 Americans were killed on roads in 2010.
America�s economy remains the world�s largest; its citizens are among the world�s richest. The government is not constitutionally opposed to grand public works. The country stitched its continental expanse together through two centuries of ambitious earthmoving. Almost from the beginning of the republic the federal government encouraged the building of critical canals and roadways. In the 19th century Congress provided funding for a transcontinental railway linking the east and west coasts. And between 1956 and 1992 America constructed the interstate system, among the largest public-works projects in history, which criss-crossed the continent with nearly 50,000 miles of motorways.
But modern America is stingier. Total public spending on transport and water infrastructure has fallen steadily since the 1960s and now stands at 2.4% of GDP. Europe, by contrast, invests 5% of GDP in its infrastructure, while China is racing into the future at 9%. America�s spending as a share of GDP has not come close to European levels for over 50 years. Over that time funds for both capital investments and operations and maintenance have steadily dropped (see chart 2).
Although America still builds roads with enthusiasm, according to the OECD�s International Transport Forum, it spends considerably less than Europe on maintaining them. In 2006 America spent more than twice as much per person as Britain on new construction; but Britain spent 23% more per person maintaining its roads.
America�s petrol tax is low by international standards, and has not gone up since 1993 (see chart 3). While the real value of the tax has eroded, the cost of building and maintaining infrastructure has gone up. As a result, the highway trust fund no longer supports even current spending. Congress has repeatedly been forced to top up the trust fund, with $30 billion since 2008.
Other rich nations avoid these problems. The cost of car ownership in Germany is 50% higher than it is in America, thanks to higher taxes on cars and petrol and higher fees on drivers� licences. The result is a more sustainably funded transport system. In 2006 German road fees brought in 2.6 times the money spent building and maintaining roads. American road taxes collected at the federal, state and local level covered just 72% of the money spent on highways that year, according to the Brookings Institution, a think-tank.
Supporters of a National Infrastructure Bank�Mr Obama among them�believe it offers America just such a shortcut. A bank would use strict cost-benefit analyses as a matter of course, and could make interstate investments easier. A European analogue, the European Investment Bank, has turned out to work well. Co-owned by the member states of the European Union, the EIB holds some $300 billion in capital which it uses to provide loans to deserving projects across the continent. EIB funding may provide up to half the cost for projects that satisfy EU objectives and are judged cost-effective by a panel of experts.
American leaders hungrily eye the private money the EIB attracts, spying a potential solution to their own fiscal dilemma.
The upshot is that we built too much, too fast and are unwilling to pay to maintain it although we continue to build bridges and highways (http://dc.streetsblog.org/2011/04/28/third-houston-outerbelt-would-turn-prairies-into-texas-toast/) to nowhere.
America is known for its huge highways, but ..... American traffic congestion is worse than western Europe�s. ....More time on lower quality roads also makes for a deadlier transport network. With some 15 deaths a year for every 100,000 people, the road fatality rate in America is 60% above the OECD average; 33,000 Americans were killed on roads in 2010.
America�s economy remains the world�s largest; its citizens are among the world�s richest. The government is not constitutionally opposed to grand public works. The country stitched its continental expanse together through two centuries of ambitious earthmoving. Almost from the beginning of the republic the federal government encouraged the building of critical canals and roadways. In the 19th century Congress provided funding for a transcontinental railway linking the east and west coasts. And between 1956 and 1992 America constructed the interstate system, among the largest public-works projects in history, which criss-crossed the continent with nearly 50,000 miles of motorways.
But modern America is stingier. Total public spending on transport and water infrastructure has fallen steadily since the 1960s and now stands at 2.4% of GDP. Europe, by contrast, invests 5% of GDP in its infrastructure, while China is racing into the future at 9%. America�s spending as a share of GDP has not come close to European levels for over 50 years. Over that time funds for both capital investments and operations and maintenance have steadily dropped (see chart 2).
Although America still builds roads with enthusiasm, according to the OECD�s International Transport Forum, it spends considerably less than Europe on maintaining them. In 2006 America spent more than twice as much per person as Britain on new construction; but Britain spent 23% more per person maintaining its roads.
America�s petrol tax is low by international standards, and has not gone up since 1993 (see chart 3). While the real value of the tax has eroded, the cost of building and maintaining infrastructure has gone up. As a result, the highway trust fund no longer supports even current spending. Congress has repeatedly been forced to top up the trust fund, with $30 billion since 2008.
Other rich nations avoid these problems. The cost of car ownership in Germany is 50% higher than it is in America, thanks to higher taxes on cars and petrol and higher fees on drivers� licences. The result is a more sustainably funded transport system. In 2006 German road fees brought in 2.6 times the money spent building and maintaining roads. American road taxes collected at the federal, state and local level covered just 72% of the money spent on highways that year, according to the Brookings Institution, a think-tank.
Supporters of a National Infrastructure Bank�Mr Obama among them�believe it offers America just such a shortcut. A bank would use strict cost-benefit analyses as a matter of course, and could make interstate investments easier. A European analogue, the European Investment Bank, has turned out to work well. Co-owned by the member states of the European Union, the EIB holds some $300 billion in capital which it uses to provide loans to deserving projects across the continent. EIB funding may provide up to half the cost for projects that satisfy EU objectives and are judged cost-effective by a panel of experts.
American leaders hungrily eye the private money the EIB attracts, spying a potential solution to their own fiscal dilemma.
The upshot is that we built too much, too fast and are unwilling to pay to maintain it although we continue to build bridges and highways (http://dc.streetsblog.org/2011/04/28/third-houston-outerbelt-would-turn-prairies-into-texas-toast/) to nowhere.

Mar 17, 02:15 AM
�6/gallon here in he UK, or �1.32/L :mad:

Rodimus Prime
Apr 7, 05:13 PM
Things I have learned from this is Democrats have no balls and really need to grow some..
GOP as crappy as they are have figured out that they an play hard ball and get what they want with no compromise. Democrates always give. I been saying it for a while Democrats have been needing to dig their heals in.
honestly i though they should of shut it down in March. Hell Democrats should of passed a budget back in September when they controlled both the House and the Senate.
This budget crap effects me directly because I want an internship here at NASA and they know they are going to have them. All the budgets have that. Problem is they can not higher and get them until budget is passed. It has been in a holding pattern now for months.
We need to end this endless holding pattern.
GOP as crappy as they are have figured out that they an play hard ball and get what they want with no compromise. Democrates always give. I been saying it for a while Democrats have been needing to dig their heals in.
honestly i though they should of shut it down in March. Hell Democrats should of passed a budget back in September when they controlled both the House and the Senate.
This budget crap effects me directly because I want an internship here at NASA and they know they are going to have them. All the budgets have that. Problem is they can not higher and get them until budget is passed. It has been in a holding pattern now for months.
We need to end this endless holding pattern.
Apr 5, 11:32 AM
This isn't a fake, I just think it's a prototype. Besides you can pretty much guess what will be in the next iPod touch. It's IOS 5 we don't know about. But it is good it's got 128gb storage however we have seen prototypes with bigger storage before that have never been released :( I am still hoping the iPhone 5 will have 32 as the starting point then 64.

Mar 24, 04:14 AM
Are you people seriously applauding this? What a waste of our tax dollars!! I do contracts with the Navy every single day and I know that the technology that they have will not be benefited by the use of iPad/iPod/iPhone.
You do contracts everyday with the Navy? This is the Army!
You do contracts everyday with the Navy? This is the Army!

May 3, 09:46 PM
The thing is that OS X uses OpenGl, where Windows uses DirectX.
Yes this is partially the reason. The other reason is that Apple refuses to even allow the option of current generation video cards in their products. Even when they upgrade they are often not top of the line. The best card on the imac you can get is capped at 512MB which was starting to be a small amount of video memory even back in 2006. I think a current generation gpu should at least be offered as an option.
Plus while in the b.net menus, I can resize with apple + m, and open safari real quick, yet still be in the game.
Yes Windows has had "minimize" too for many many years. Just press Alt-Tab, this is not exclusive to OS-X.
Yes this is partially the reason. The other reason is that Apple refuses to even allow the option of current generation video cards in their products. Even when they upgrade they are often not top of the line. The best card on the imac you can get is capped at 512MB which was starting to be a small amount of video memory even back in 2006. I think a current generation gpu should at least be offered as an option.
Plus while in the b.net menus, I can resize with apple + m, and open safari real quick, yet still be in the game.
Yes Windows has had "minimize" too for many many years. Just press Alt-Tab, this is not exclusive to OS-X.
Feb 23, 06:31 AM
I wonder what do they discuss and what is the conclusion?
Considering how nearly all of those CEOs are solidly in the tank for Obama, and given how increasingly unpopular B. Hussein is becoming, his presidential re-election and prostrating himself for campaign contributions was likely the top priority.
Oh ... after prawn and champagne, there might have been some idle talk of technology and Jobs.
Conclusion? All that "genius" and not one of them cares about U.S. history and the dangers in repeating its mistakes. It's a shame that wealth has blinded nearly all of them to the danger of statism. It's too bad the innovation by this small, powerful, (and ideologically ignorant) group of elitists is restricted to technology.
The rest of the country is hurting. Gas and food prices rising, housing market crippled, jobless rate still 10%, bailout after bailout, billions and billions spent on a failed "stimulus" that did nothing but line Obama cronies' pockets, a health care "overhaul" that will obliterate not only the health care in the U.S., but the rest of the economy with it, US foreign policy incompetent, our troops' hands tied in Afghanistan - with no directive to really win there. Oh yeah ... give us 4 more years of this? Pass the caviar, Steve. :eek:
And there they sit ... Cheers to the community organizer-in-chief! How about we focus on the cancer that affects more than just Apple stock. No ... not Steve Jobs' illness. Something far more virulent ... America's. The blight of liberalism. How about we talk about how time and time again, it's utterly failed to do anything but grow an already bloated government, destroy liberty, personal property, and worsen an economy that used to be second-to-none?
Bon Appetit!
Considering how nearly all of those CEOs are solidly in the tank for Obama, and given how increasingly unpopular B. Hussein is becoming, his presidential re-election and prostrating himself for campaign contributions was likely the top priority.
Oh ... after prawn and champagne, there might have been some idle talk of technology and Jobs.
Conclusion? All that "genius" and not one of them cares about U.S. history and the dangers in repeating its mistakes. It's a shame that wealth has blinded nearly all of them to the danger of statism. It's too bad the innovation by this small, powerful, (and ideologically ignorant) group of elitists is restricted to technology.
The rest of the country is hurting. Gas and food prices rising, housing market crippled, jobless rate still 10%, bailout after bailout, billions and billions spent on a failed "stimulus" that did nothing but line Obama cronies' pockets, a health care "overhaul" that will obliterate not only the health care in the U.S., but the rest of the economy with it, US foreign policy incompetent, our troops' hands tied in Afghanistan - with no directive to really win there. Oh yeah ... give us 4 more years of this? Pass the caviar, Steve. :eek:
And there they sit ... Cheers to the community organizer-in-chief! How about we focus on the cancer that affects more than just Apple stock. No ... not Steve Jobs' illness. Something far more virulent ... America's. The blight of liberalism. How about we talk about how time and time again, it's utterly failed to do anything but grow an already bloated government, destroy liberty, personal property, and worsen an economy that used to be second-to-none?
Bon Appetit!

Sep 13, 05:34 PM
This has nothing to do with Macs, or it might depending on which rumors you believe, but AMD's Clawhammer is coming out in the first quarter of 2003 and will likely be marketed as a 3400+ which would be higher than the PV at 3.2 Ghz. However, unless this chip gets used in the next Powermac revision (not likely, I know, but possible) then IBM better get that almost-too-good-to-be-true-Power4-mini-me out fast. I'm going to wait until October to see IBM's roadmap for any further speculation though. :)
click or I'll hammer you (http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1103-957757.html)
click or I'll hammer you (http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1103-957757.html)

Mar 26, 04:05 PM
Ya, actually one of the first things that popped into my mind about this is that it was planned to help both companies images and relationship seem better in the press!
Judging by the body language I'd venture to guess whatever it was they were talking about Jobs had the upper hand.
Just because their demeanor is civil does not mean their exchange is.
STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
ERIC: Yes.
Judging by the body language I'd venture to guess whatever it was they were talking about Jobs had the upper hand.
Just because their demeanor is civil does not mean their exchange is.
STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
ERIC: Yes.

Mar 4, 02:10 AM
It's good, but expensive.

Apr 1, 09:10 AM
The only way we are ever going to get consumer friedly online tv is if the Googles and Apples of the world start creating their own content...
Twe Foju
Apr 23, 02:19 AM
I think to dictate what people should or shouldn't do with their machines is silly. Search the forums and the internet. The Air has proven to be plenty capable as a gaming machine for it's size and has many satisfied users talking about it.
A computer is certainly a tool, but it can also be a gaming machine, a home theater pc, an entertainment hub, etc.; whatever a user may find use for it for.
Obviously, certain machines are better and worse at certain functions than others, but don't forget that this generation of MBA, there are people that actually did go out and buy the Air because one of the reasons is that it did happen to be a decent performer in games, while remaining ultra portable. In this case, I think the Air strikes an excellent balance between function and form.
I use my Air for live music sets and this is exactly a scenario where such a BL KB would be grand. I read similar opinions from other musicians on this forum in another thread. Creative artists like live musicians can definitely find appropriate use for a backlit kb, but even average everyday users who don't share the same skill level as you would also benefit from it. If anything, adding convenience is always a welcome.
If you don't want or need the backlit kb, then you could always turn it off. It's there for people who might need it. Win-win situation.
You sir, just made my morning :D
And i Think this thread should be rename into:
Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt + HD3000 vs 320M
A computer is certainly a tool, but it can also be a gaming machine, a home theater pc, an entertainment hub, etc.; whatever a user may find use for it for.
Obviously, certain machines are better and worse at certain functions than others, but don't forget that this generation of MBA, there are people that actually did go out and buy the Air because one of the reasons is that it did happen to be a decent performer in games, while remaining ultra portable. In this case, I think the Air strikes an excellent balance between function and form.
I use my Air for live music sets and this is exactly a scenario where such a BL KB would be grand. I read similar opinions from other musicians on this forum in another thread. Creative artists like live musicians can definitely find appropriate use for a backlit kb, but even average everyday users who don't share the same skill level as you would also benefit from it. If anything, adding convenience is always a welcome.
If you don't want or need the backlit kb, then you could always turn it off. It's there for people who might need it. Win-win situation.
You sir, just made my morning :D
And i Think this thread should be rename into:
Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt + HD3000 vs 320M
Mar 25, 09:26 AM
I called the local Verizon store. They said they didn't have any ipads in stock, but could order me one for $299.
Nov 11, 05:28 AM
I wonder if they'll do a version of the ad with the female camera that speaks Japanese, but make her an American camera that speaks English. :-)
They can have the actor that does the "PC Home Movie" make a comment of a digital camera made in a person's garage in the U.S.
They can have the actor that does the "PC Home Movie" make a comment of a digital camera made in a person's garage in the U.S.
Mar 6, 01:25 AM
Pilot Wings in the only game I want from launch.
When I do get my 3DS though, I'll use it as an excuse to finally finish up Zelda Spirit Tracks.
When I do get my 3DS though, I'll use it as an excuse to finally finish up Zelda Spirit Tracks.
May 3, 06:26 PM
...And mine arrived today...:p
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